American Express

American Express maintains a bustling yearly schedule of customer communications, sending tailored eDMs to distinct groups of Card Members. Using Amex's global templates as a base, Lemonade designs bespoke creative, copywrites and builds the HTML in-house.

During the course of the year, there could be up to dozen American Express Experiences that selected Card Members are invited to via eDM – dining events, golf events and even Audi ice Experience.

From partnerships with key merchants, Card Members can receive Amex Offer eDMs throughout the year, with exclusive offers on things like fuel, groceries and home electronics.

The number of restaurants in the American Express Dining Collection is constantly expanding, so update eDMs are sent to Card Members on a quarterly basis.

We also promote Shop Small in the last quarter of each year, American Express’s annual campaign to encourage Card Members to use their Amex Card at small, local businesses.



eDM design, copywriting and build

RElated Work



Heart of The City


Panasonic Heat Pumps